The Jordan 7’6″ 3wt


7’6″ 3wt all Fiberglass rod, Moderately slow action for tossing smaller flies accurately on smaller streams and ponds. An extremely sensitive rod perfectly tuned for natural trout streams and gentle bites from panfish.

All of our custom rods are made in-house and designed by Joe Roope for our favorite local waters. They’ll work on your favorite waters too.

The Jordan is named after a small creek in our North Idaho home. The slow action is great for casting small dries are nymphs in a graceful presentation making this a fantastic trout and panfish rod. This is a great rod for fitness fishing for small trout, panfish, and smaller bass. This is our web manager’s favorite rod since it has enough backbone to handle larger fish and sensitive enough to make sunfish feel like a northern pike.

This rod is available with our combo kit which comes with the rod, our best reel, line, leader, line cleaner, and hard rod and reel case. Available here, just select The Jordan.